宝隆 #11
Do not abuse your hard-earned HKD or CNY on her, especially if you expect some good services. She'd just push you into the codom and finish the thing as quick as possible so that she could enjoy her time on wechat or momo on her iphone. And by the way if you book her you get only 60minutes, as compared with 90 minutes from other girls. This concludes my on-site report on No.11 today.看帖看完了至少要顶一下,还可以加入到淘帖哦! 真的吗? 这个太机车啊 顶贴从来都不是一个坏习惯! 膜拜神贴,后面的请保持队形~ 条女好似唔错~~一定要试试